Why join the Hamilton Ontario Plein Air Artists?
Creating art can be isolating but when you join us, you’ll get out of your studio and into nature with like-minded artists.
Meet other artists like you who love the outdoors
Experience new vistas both in the Hamilton area during weekly meetups and beyond on seasonal road trips.
For the landscape painter, working outdoors and witnessing your subject first hand is the ultimate creative experience. Working from life and observing how light reacts to various forms will improve your artwork.
Plus we often have opportunities to interact with other nature lovers we meet on the trails who often fall in love with the paintings they witness being created.
Lastly, our leader loves to organize us! You'll enjoy pre-planned trips and events especially for the plein air painter.
Membership Benefits
Seasonal schedules with 3 Weekly opportunities to meetup with members at various locations throughout the greater Hamilton area
Monthly newsletter with tips, events, featured artists and more!
Access to our Private members-only Facebook chat group to share, ask questions, see upcoming events and group meetups, and meet new artist friends!
NEW!! Discount on your yearly Hamilton Conservation Authority membership. Details to follow!
Access to the Members Only webpage which includes our weekly meetup locations, upcoming meetings dates and events
Opportunities to network with other like-minded artists.
Opportunities to join road trips to locations further afield.
Opportunities to attend workshops to learn, grow and practice new art and marketing skills and meet other artists.
Opportunities to show and sell your artwork during events, festivals and shows
Opportunities to learn about managing art events by volunteering during our yearly Plein Air festival
Social Media support by our hamontpleinair accounts to help expand your reach. We'll share your content to our stories, group and individual promotional reels and more!
Invitations to plein air art events in Ontario Canada and beyond
Upgrade your membership to include a Personal Profile Page, where you can show and sell your work
Member Profiles
Cheryl-Ann Hills
Brenda McCafferty
Chilan Lau
Jacquie Herron
Rob Bingham
Tracy Butland
Our Members
Adrian Soegandi
Alison I.
Andrea T.
Anja S.
Barbara C.
Ben N.
Brenda McCafferty
Catherine Jeffrey
Carolyn H.
Charles M.
Cheryl-Ann Hills
Chilan L.
Debi Winter
Frances C.
Gloria B.
Gloria Kingma
Jacqueline N. Wightman
Jacquie H.
Janet Horne Cozens
Jennica Lounsbury
Jingjing Zhang
John Steensma
Judith W.
JudyBlue Anderson
Katie Emberley
Lilly C.
Lisa L.
Louise P.
Louise Scott-Bushell
Maureen Cauchi
Monique Chiam
Monica O.
Nancy Kluger
Patty Lynes
Ray Ramjattan
Rob Bingham
Robbin Pulver-Andrews
Scott Hartwick
Stefanie H.
Tina Baker
Tracy Bartczak
Vanaja C.
Wendy Dougan