Welcome to the Hamilton Plein Air Festival! We are excited to invite you to come out and watch our participating artists in action! This is a competition. You’ll see our artists creating their best work inspired by the scenes they find within the Municipality of Hamilton. Last year we had 52 registered participants from all over Ontario. This year we expect approximately 75 artists, with some visiting from the US, who will descend upon our fair city to explore its beauty and diversity and record what they experience on their canvas.
What is a Plein Air Festival?
The French term “en plein air” means out of doors and refers to the practice of painting or drawing outdoors on location, just like the Group of 7 did!! When we create from our observations of real life the work comes alive with the lived experience of the place.
A plein air festival celebrates the practice of creating visual artwork outdoors by inviting artists from across North America to embrace the challenge and create their best work for the opportunity to win awards. And then after the Awards ceremony you’re invited to come out to the Show & Sale of the artwork completed during the festival.
It’s a celebration of art, nature and community!
Where to Find our Artists at work
Festival rules dictate our artists must create their artwork within the boundaries of the Municipality of Hamilton. This includes Hamilton, Ancaster, Dundas, Stoney Creek, Binbrook, Waterdown, Carlisle and Mount Hope.
Then Join us on Sunday June 8th at 1pm for the Show and Sale of paintings created during the festival. The Show and Sale takes place at Central Presbyterian Church: 165 Charlton Avenue West, Hamilton ON, L8P 2H1
How to Find our Artists
This year we have collaborated with Toureka to create a unique app that allows our participating artists to place a dot on a map to indicate where they are painting. You can then log into the app and find where the artists are thereby providing you the unique opportunity to watch the artists create their masterpieces. Download the Toureka app here If you don’t want to use the app you can also check our “popular locations” listing on the website and you may just find one of our artists that way too.
Join Us for the Show and Sale
Then join us on Sunday June 8th at noon for the awards ceremony. After the Awards ceremony you’ll be invited to come into the building at Central Presbyterian Church: 165 Charlton Avenue West, Hamilton ON, L8P 2H1 to view and purchase the artwork created during the festival.
This is a unique opportunity to see and bring home artwork entirely themed around the scenes of Hamilton. The proceeds from your purchase will be shared with our artists and our hosts Central Presbyterian Church!!
Festival Etiquette for our Visitors
We ask that you follow all parking, park and nature conservation rules when visiting our artists at work. Please do not block trail accesses or leave garbage anywhere.
If you wish to photograph our artists please ask them for permission first.

Show and Sale Location
Central Presbyterian Church: 165 Charlton Avenue West, Hamilton ON, L8P 2H1
Awards begin at noon, Show & Sale follows after completion of awards ceremony
Show and Sale ends at 4pm Sunday June 8th, 2025